

Pages - Add and manage unlimited pages including any number of sub-pages.


Permissions - Permissions can be set on any page, content or application so that relevant page, content and application are accessible and managed by users with privilege.


Web Content Management - Publish and manage contents including texts, images, videos and such on any of your portal pages to keep your site fresh at all times.


WYSIWYG Editor - A complete HTML editor that allows you to modify fonts, add colour, insert images, source and much more.


Responsive Design - Never worry about having a separate site or a mobile app to manage. ePortalis is responsive to any device including laptop, tablet and mobile devices and compatible with most of the browsers.


Customisation - Let your user customise any page or sections of pages and let them view the page as they like by allowing them to assign applications based on their preference.


Announcements - An efficient way to periodically communicate important information to your users. It lets your users know about the results from inter-school sports competition and link it to the result page. It allows you broadcast important information to different groups of users.


Blogs - Run list of short articles for your school users (students, staffs or parents) to which users with permissions can attach threaded comments. It allows you to create multiple personal blogs based on specific user group. It also allows you to view all entries from multiple bloggers on one page giving further visibility to blog entries.


Bookmarks - Add value to your portal’s usability by collecting and managing URLs in the portal. The bookmarks application can be added to any page on the portal. Both external sites and internal pages including documents can be bookmarked and links can be tailored to specific groups of users.


Chat - A convenient way to send instant messages for logged in users to your portal. It displays logged in users, their status and any chat the logged-in user has open.


Documents and Media - Store any kind of files online including Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, PDF, images, audio and video using same type of structure that you use to store file locally. You can view and read the documents without the need to download them.


Media Gallery - Whether you have images from recent excursions or sports competition or anything else, you can easily display them on your portal. You can manage and organise them in folders and make them accessible to specific groups of users. The gallery can also be viewed as a slideshow.


Latest News - Create custom news items and make it readily available to your users. Integrated WYSIWYG editor makes it more fun creating those within minutes.


Notifications - View all your notification, from calendar events to blogs comments and school announcements at one place.


Navigation - The navigation application lists all the child pages on its parent page for ease of navigation. It allows you to assign different viewing options for how it can be displayed.


Polls - It helps you to find answers to questions in a quick and easy way to better understand your users. You can create multiple choice polls that keeps track of the votes and display results on the page.


Quick Links - A quick and easy way to provide links to almost anything from exam timetables to parent teacher bookings or any other application from your portal. With scheduling enabled these appear only during the specified times.


School Directory - It lists all the portal users including staffs, students and parents. It allows you to search for a particular user or sort them based on groups.


Shopping Cart - Sell books, uniforms and others with our built-in shopping cart. It accepts PayPal and allows you to choose the credit cards you accepts. You can organise inventory and search to quickly find items. The customers receives an email when their transactions are processed.


Stats and Auditing - Track activities of portal users such as login and logoff times to help you see which users were logged in and for how long.


Wikis - Helps you build a repository of information. It allows users with permissions to create and edit documents and link them to each other.

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